Women's Ministry

Connecting with God, TOGETHER!

Mom to Mom

Bringing moms of all ages and stages together to encourage and

interact with each other. Meets monthly during the school year!

Answering Hard Questions

Mon., February 10
9:30 am in the Commons



Thursday, January 23
6:00 pm in the Commons

A light meal will be served before the games begin


Please use door # 1 & 2



Please register for Childcare by 1/19/2025

Women's Retreat 2025

Who Do You Say I Am?

February 21 - 22

Cost: $70

Register by Feb. 9, 2025

Register by Jan. 31, 2025

Where is retreat located?
What time does it start/end?
What is included in the cost of $70?
Do I have to stay at the hotel to attend the retreat?
How Do I make a hotel reservation?
What if I want to stay and share a room, but don't have anyone who can go with me?
What to pack/bring?

Need some encouragement today?
Explore our podcast episodes for daily inspiration.

Adorned Podcast

Listen on Spotify

Woman to Woman 


The Names of God

Join us as we study the names of Jesus. We will look at many of the names of Jesus as we also learn tools to help us study the Bible on our own. Each session will stand alone as you work through scripture relating to ta name of Jesus during the week using different tools we will learn along the way. 

Wednesdays @ 6:15 pm 
Led by: Karen Salvato, Suzie Hartsfield, & Rachel Hillard

Book: $10 each     |     Room: 111

A word from Emily White,
an IABC Women's Ministry

member, about our Bridges Boutique. 

Discover more below on getting connected!

Bridges Boutique & Banquet

TEAM LEADER:   Marilyn Gilbert

 Celebrating the decision to choose life with the young women who have successfully completed parenting classes at Parkridge Pregnancy Center.


“You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I

have been remarkably and wonderfully made.”

Psalm 139:13-14


Decorating Team

TEAM LEADER:  Amber Franklin

By using their decorating skills and talents, this team creates a

welcoming environment and enhances the theme of our events.


“I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’”

Psalms 122:1

Helping Hands

TEAM LEADER:   Shelby Gaddis

Partnering with Buckner Pathways to support moms and their families as they achieve their educational goals. 


“For we are God’s handiwork,

created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Ephesians 2:10

Mom to Mom

TEAM LEADER:  Macy Dickson

Bringing moms of all ages and stages together to encourage and interact with each other.  Meets once a month during the school year.


“I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with Him at my right hand

I will not be shaken.”   

Psalm 16:18

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Volunteers make baby blankets for babies that are dedicated in our church. If you are interested in helping, call the Church Office for Mary Lu's contact info.

Prayer Team

TEAM LEADER: Vickey Bloodworth

It is our desire to "carry one another's burdens." Use the link at the bottom of this page to submit your prayer request.


“Carry one another's burdens;

in this way you will fulfill

the law of Christ."  

Galatians 6:2

Stay Up To Date with IABC Women's Activities




Helping Others

Mom to Mom Volunteers


Mom to Mom is growing and that blessing brings the need for additional help watching children. Could you give two hours of your time once a month to serve these young moms?


Stop by the Connection Center or call the Church Office and ask for Brenda Loftus. 

Parkridge Pregnancy Center


Did you know we partner with Parkridge through their Bridges program?

We provide a boutique for moms through your donations that helps equip their nurseries. The banquet celebrates their faithfulness in attending parenting classes and regular check-ups. Use the QR tag to access the Amazon Wishlist to support these families. 

Buckner Family Pathways


We partner with Buckner to support moms and families in achieving their educational goals. 


Would you be a part of helping these families? 
Needed items: laundry supplies, dryer sheets, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, shampoo, conditioner, body Wash for adults and kids.

Ship directly from Amazon to:

Buckner Pathways
1510 S. Loop 289, Lubbock, TX  79412


Or drop off at the Connection Center or the IABC Office labeled: 
For Buckner

Prayer Requests

As a Women's Ministry, it is our desire to

"carry one another's burdens."


"Carry one another's burden's: in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."


Galatians 6:2

Karen Salvato

Women's Ministry Director

For more information on how to get involved

or how we can help you, please contact

Karen Salvato, Women's Ministry Director.


"When we get together, I want to

encourage you in your faith,

but I also want to be encouraged by yours." 

Romans 1:12