Adult Discipleship 

Tuesday Classes  |  Resuming Jan 14

Men's Bible Study

7:00 am & Noon

Led by Tommy Martin

in the Conference Room

We will look at one man from the Bible each week and see what we can learn about following God and dealing with the issues of life


*WE will resume on 1/14/2025

Wednesday Classes | Resuming Jan 15

Wednesay Night Seminary

Led by Pastor Steve McMeans

in the Commons (enter door #1 & 2)

6:15 pm

Psalms was the Song book of Israel and Israel sang about every thing! Pure joy, total despair, forgiveness, peace, anger, and knocking someone's teeth out were all in the book. This study of selected Psalms deals with what they (and we) really feel!



Life Explored: What's The Best Gift God Could Give You? (Men)

Led by Robert Lieb

in Room 116

6:15 pm

$5 per Book

This will help people to uncover what they're really living for and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness.


Contact Velma for more info regarding this class!

Woman to Woman Discipleship:

Praying The Names of God: A Study of the Names of Jesus (Women)

Led by Karen Salvato, Suzie Hartsfield, & Rachel hilliard

in Room 111

6:15 pm

$10 per Book

This semester we will loook at many of the names of Jesus as we also learn tools to help us study the Bible on our own. Each session will stand alone as you work through scripture relating to a name of Jesus during the week using different tools we will learn along the way.



Thursday Classes

Men's Prayer Group

7:00 am in the Conference Room

Join other men from IABC as we pray for the needs of our church family

The Forge (Men)

Led by Mark McVay

Meet every other Thursday at 6:15 pm.


Please contact Mark McVay for more information.