VBS 2024: Breaker Rock Beach

Mon. June 24 - Thurs. June 27 
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm

VBS is for kids who have completed K - 5th grade

as of May 2024

Already in our database and
we have the answers to several questions already.

Not in our database and
we have questions that we need answered.

Contact Elizabeth in the Children's Ministry Office for assistance. 

Volunteers Needed

Did you know it takes lots and lots of volunteers to provide an amazing VBS? Please consider helping this year. 

Read through the leader devotionals to help prepare for leading VBS!

First time volunteering with IABC Childrens? Complete the following steps below.

To provide the best, and safest environment IABC has the steps below for all volunteers in the Children's Ministry.
If you are already serving in the Children's Ministry these should already be complete.